Finding a Job

For job seekers, checking out LinkedIn is must. The basics are free and employers are actively looking. If you have diligently read and acted on the preceding sections, you should be ready to hit the ground running for your job search. You have a great profile, lots of important contacts, and an understanding of the various groups dedicated to your industry. So what else should you do to market yourself? Following are some ideas you can try when you are actively looking for a job:

check.png Look at your profile as an employer would.

If you have been on LinkedIn for a while and you are starting a job search, you want to re-evaluate your profile as an employer would. If you feel that an actual résumé style is required, you can check out Resume Builder at . This App helps you take your profile and build a good-looking résumé. Review it carefully to make sure that the chronological order is accurate and matches your profile. If you seek a design job, you can also check out an app in the directory called Creative Portfolio Display by Behance. It makes it easy to show off multimedia content you have created.

check.png Create a unique presentation.

In addition to anything you have done with your résumé to make it look better, you want to think about showcasing ...

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