

accounts, Gowalla account setup, 116–119

activity as part of ‘Flow’ state in games, 51

Activity tab (Gowalla), 120

add-ons to Twitter, 13

AJ Bombers case study, 139–140

altered states games, 49

American Apparel, 76

Angry Birds, 48

Arkansas example (Gowalla trips), 176–179

audience, knowing, 208–210

Austin Dirty Dog case study (social location –marketing campaigns), 163–164

author contact information, 222


B2B, customer interaction in, 214

B2C, customer interaction in, 214

Barger, Chris, 35

belonging needs (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs), 144

BlockChalk, 71

blogs, Foursquare, 106–107

boat example (Foursquare), 180–181

brand awareness stage (purchase decision cycle), 10

brand elevation stage (purchase decision cycle), 10

BrightKite, 65–66 ...

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