
+1 (Google)

The voting paradigm on Google+, similar to Favorite on Twitter and Like on Facebook.

Ad network

A company that connects advertisers to websites that want to host advertisements.

Ads manager

The page on a business Facebook account at where you can view and manage ad campaigns, as well as view performance reports.


A promoter of a merchant’s products or services who receives compensation for delivering sales or leads to the merchant or merchant’s website.

Affiliate marketing

Performance-based marketing that rewards an affiliate for bringing in clients through the affiliate’s marketing efforts.


An application or service that collects information from many disparate sources. Usually refers to an RSS aggregator, which collects links and excerpts from multiple news sites and blogs via an XML news feed.


Application programming interface, a set of behind-the-scenes entry points and interfaces to a service or program. For instance, the Twitter API enables you to build applications that embed tweets.


An application or program, though the term usually refers to a program that runs on a mobile or web platform.


A fabricated grassroots effort. This is a black hat tactic whereby you make it look like anonymous people on the Internet are enthusiastic supporters of your products.


A graphical representation of your profile. This can be an icon, drawing, photo, or in some cases an animation.


An icon that ...

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