

ad hoc paths, 371

adaptive serializers, 509–512

addPort method (Service), 102, 104, 110

Ajax, 463–480

front end to SOAShopper case study, 470–479

Java EE 5 Web services with, 468–470

algorithmic type mappings, 15 SOAP-based services, 434–444

annotations, 14, 37, 61, 74, 273–278

dependency injection, 82–83, 317, 330

creating proxy instances, 279–280

external annotation files, 197

JAXB annotations

implementing type mappings with, 224–235

for XML messaging, 289–292

mapping annotations, 59–62

WSDL/Java mapping and, 78

processing, 366–367

SEI (service endpoint interface), 273–278

anonymous complex types, mapping, 201

Apache Ant 1.7.x

configuring, 530–531

installing, 527

Apache Maven 2.0.x

configuring, 528–530

installing, 527

application ...

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