

Adams, Scott, 267

adopting SOA (service-oriented architecture), 4–8

Capability Assessment Tool (CAT), 7

communication, 7

estimating SOA projects, 8

organizational maturity, 7

scope of SOA transformation, 5

SOA Center of Excellence (CoE), 8

standardization, 4

alternatives, evaluating, 231

governance mechanism recommendations, 234–235

process identification, 232–234

Amiel, Henri, 68

analyzing assessment results, 231

Anarchy model, 70

application portfolio rationalization, 316

architecture standards and design patterns work product, 122–123

assess governance capability phase, 323–324

assessing organizations

governance priorities and near-term goals, 73–83

Ideation Communications case study, 84–88, 334–337

organization type, 69–70

suitability ...

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