Chapter 7: Android App Navigation Structure

Navigation structure is a critical aspect of an app’s usability. Get the navigation wrong, and the app is useless. Getting the navigation structure right requires careful planning and a good understanding of the platform. I have seen examples whereby developers ported an app designed for another platform over to Android, unchanged. Results are mostly disastrous in these cases. Navigation must work consistently in all apps on Android platforms. Users learn to use Android apps a certain way and expect the same behavior.

Navigation structure is all about presenting your content in a meaningful and intuitive way. Users must be able to determine where to find the content they are looking for and how to navigate the app without getting lost. It is important to let the users feel like they are in control all the time. Making users feel lost in your app is a sure way to get your app uninstalled.

Navigation is not just about your app’s internal structure. On Android your app is part of the platform. You must plan how your app integrates with other apps and understand the different ways your users can enter and leave your app.

This chapter explains what you need to take into account and know to be able to design and implement good Android app navigation.

Components of Android navigation, Activities, and Intents

To understand how Android navigation works, you need a good understanding of what’s going on under the hood, so to speak. This section ...

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