
6LoWPAN IPv6 over low-power wireless personal area networks
ACE area control error
ACFFI average communication failure frequency index
ACIDI average communication interruption duration index
ACK acknowledgment
ACO ant colony optimization
ACSE association control service element
ACSR aluminum conductor steel-reinforced cable
ADA advanced distribution automation
ADI advanced distribution infrastructure
ADP adaptive dynamic programming
AGC automatic grid control
AHP analytical hierarchical programming
AIEE American Institute of Electrical Engineers
AMI advanced metering infrastructure
AMR automated meter reading
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AODV ad hoc on-demand distance-vector
APDU application protocol data unit
API application program interface
ARQ automatic repeat-request
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASK amplitude-shift keying
ASN.1 abstract syntax notation 1
ATM asynchronous transfer mode
BAN body-area network
BAS building automation system
BCS Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer
BE best-effort
BFSK binary frequency-shift keying
BMC best master clock
BPL broadband over power line
BPSK binary phase-shift keying
BS base station
CA contingency analysis
CAES compressed air energy storage
CAIDI customer average interruption duration index
CAIFI customer average interruption frequency index
CAN controller-area network
CBR constant-bit rate
CC control center

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