Delphi Technique

Name and Description

Delphi technique was developed by researchers at Rand Corporation for the purpose of providing members with ideas and evaluative feedback from each other while avoiding the inefficiency and inhibitions of face-to-face groups. Delphi is used today to obtain information from a number of experts who may be scattered all over the world. The group members never meet face-to-face. Rather, all their interaction is through their responses to a Delphi questionnaire.


Dalkey, N. C., Rourke, D. L., Lewis, R., & Snyder, D. (1972). Studies in the quality of life: Delphi and decision making. Lexington, MA: Heath.

Delbecq, A. L., Van de Ven, A. H., & Gustafson, D. H. (1975). Group techniques for program planning: ...

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