Making Sense of Print Media Rates

Publications that accept print ads have a rate card that specifies pricing, deadlines, and production requirements. Here are definitions of key terms:

check.png Bulk or volume rate: A reduced rate offered to businesses that commit to placing a certain amount of advertising over a contract period. Increased volume results in decreased rates.

check.png Cash discount: A discount for prompt payment. Reduce the cost of your media charges by up to 2 percent by settling your bills quickly.

check.png Closing date or deadline: The date by which you must submit ad material to a publication if your ad is to appear in a certain issue.

check.png Column inch: A column inch is 1 column wide by 1 inch high. Most newspapers measure ad space in column inches, though once in a while you’ll see ad rates quoted in agate lines, which equal 1⁄14 of an inch. Just multiply by 14 to arrive at the price per column inch.

check.png Combination rate: A discounted rate offered to advertisers who buy space in two or more publications ...

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