Setting Your Goals for Online Visibility

How findable is your business online, and what kind of results do people get when they search for your business or personal names? Type your name into a search engine to see for yourself. What you discover from your self-search will guide you straight to one or several online marketing goals:

check.png Awareness: If your name search shows that you’re pretty much invisible online, generate awareness by establishing an online presence — pronto.

check.png Credibility: If your search shows that you have an online presence but that results lead to outdated or irrelevant information, make it your goal to dilute the visibility of weak or damaging information by creating a website and social media profiles with current, positive information that you control and can keep updated and accurate.

check.png Connections: As soon as your business achieves good online visibility and credible, positive search results, leverage your online presence by setting goals to develop valuable interactions with your target audience. See Chapters 11 and 12 for information on how social media, blogs, and online participation unlock relationships online.

Sales: Sales is the final goal. Before you can ...

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