Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Simulation: History, Concepts, and Examples

1.1. Issues: simulation, a tool for complexity

1.2. History of simulation

1.3. Real-world examples of simulation

1.4. Basic principles

1.5. Conclusion

1.6. Bibliography

Chapter 2. Principles of Modeling

2.1. Introduction to modeling

2.2. Typology of models

2.3. The modeling process

2.4. Simulation project management

2.5. Conclusion

2.6. Bibliography

Chapter 3. Credibility in Modeling and Simulation

3.1. Technico-operational studies and simulations

3.2. Examples of technico-operational studies based on simulation tools

3.3. VV&A for technico-operational simulations

3.4. VV&A issues

3.5. Conclusions

3.6. Bibliography

Chapter 4. Modeling Systems and Their Environment

4.1. Introduction

4.2. Modeling time

4.3. Modeling physical laws

4.4. Modeling random phenomena

4.5. Modeling the natural environment

4.6. Modeling human behavior

4.7. Bibliography

Chapter 5. Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems: Pitfalls and Limitations of Interpretation

5.1. Introduction

5.2. Complex systems, models, simulations, and their link with reality

5.3. Main characteristics of complex systems simulation

5.4. Review of families of models

5.5. An example: effect-based and counter-insurgency military operations

5.6. Conclusion

5.7. Bibliography

Chapter 6. Simulation Engines and Simulation Frameworks

6.1. Introduction

6.2. Simulation engines

6.3. Simulation frameworks

6.4. Capitalization of models

6.5. Conclusion and perspectives ...

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