
join is a utility that will combine two different files based on common keys in both files. Both files have to be sorted on the key for this to work, but that can usually be arranged, even if it means creating a temporary file from the original input. Another limitation is that there has to be a common delimiter used for both input files, and for the output. If you can live with those restrictions, join can be a very useful tool. Using the same input data as the paste section of the next chapter, join can be used to combine different databases. The code that follows shows two files, hosts and ethers. First they are sorted on key 2 (the hostname) so that they are in the same order as each other. The join command then combines these files by hostname.

cat hosts       localhost     plug    declan    atomic    goldie   elvis
$ cat ethers
0a:00:27:00:00:00 plug
01:00:3a:10:21:fe declan
71:1f:04:e3:1b:13 atomic
01:01:8d:07:3a:ea goldie
01:01:31:09:2a:f2 elvis
$ sort -k2 ethers > ethers.sortedsort -k2 hosts > hosts.sortedjoin -j2 -a1 hosts.sorted ethers.sorted
atomic 71:1f:04:e3:1b:13
declan 01:00:3a:10:21:fe
elvis 01:01:31:09:2a:f2
goldie  01:01:8d:07:3a:ea
plug 0a:00:27:00:00:00

Here the common field is the second field in both files, as specified by -j2. The -a1 flag tells join to display everything from the ...

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