Chapter 15

Guidance for Successful ECM Projects

What's in this chapter?

  • Comparing legacy ECM and SharePoint ECM solutions
  • Migrating content to a document library
  • Managing SharePoint 2010 boundaries
  • Defining a large repository upgrade strategy

Every now and then, a SharePoint ECM solution will be a brand-new “greenfield” deployment. These deployments are often encountered when the ECM needs of an organization have grown at a very slow pace, a new company is implementing an ECM solution, or perhaps management has been reluctant to trust the digital world with highly important customer documents. Greenfield solutions are great to work with because there are no existing expectations from the future user base and there usually isn't an existing production system with functionality that needs to be duplicated. However, there is often some system in place, which means that it will likely be necessary to perform some sort of upgrade operation or content migration from a legacy system into a new SharePoint 2010 ECM solution.

This chapter begins by covering various techniques and protocols for importing content into SharePoint, followed by a few tips and tricks to avoid a few common issues that occur during import operations. Finally, the chapter covers a few key concepts regarding the best ways to upgrade an existing ECM content repository.

Migrating to SharePoint 2010

SharePoint has continued to evolve to the point where the platform is now wide enough and deep enough to truly become ...

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