
CHRIS GEIER is a 15-year veteran of the technology industry and specializes in all things Microsoft. He was introduced to SharePoint 2001 while working for Microsoft services. Chris is a participant in, and advocate for, the SharePoint community, as well as a regular participant/speaker at SharePoint Saturday and other grass-roots events. When not twiddling with the latest gadgets, software, and technology, you’ll find Chris cheering his budding baseball and gymnastic stars. Chris and his wife, Sara, have four kids and live in suburban Chicago.


BECKY BERTRAM is an independent consultant living in the St. Louis area. She has more than a decade of experience building web content management solutions for clients, using the Microsoft platform. She and her husband, Ryan, are looking forward to the birth of their first child. Becky posts frequently to her blog, www.beckybertram.com. You can also follow Becky on Twitter, at @beckybertram.


ANDREW CLARK is a senior SharePoint consultant based in the Chicago area. A graduate in finance from North Central College, his background is mainly ASP.NET web application development, with an emphasis on security. His focus for ...

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