Creating and Configuring Excel Services Applications

Excel Services is a feature set for SharePoint 2010. With Excel Services you can take sharing Excel workbooks to the next level. Excel Services allows easy collaboration among an entire organization without the need to worry about pulling down the latest version of the file or even having Excel 2010 installed on a workstation. The service has three main parts:

  • Excel Calculation Services — Used to load and calculate workbooks
  • Excel Web Access — Renders the HTML page the user sees in the browser
  • Excel Web Services — A web service designed to separate calculations from the front end

Using these three components, workbooks can be viewed online through a web browser, data permissions can be set, and reports can be created.


The first step to working with Excel Services in SharePoint 2010 is to create an Excel Services application. Application management is done through the SharePoint Central Administration site. To open Central Administration navigate to the following location Start images All Programs images Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products images SharePoint 2010 Central Administration. Under the heading Application ...

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