Chapter 9: SharePoint Gets Social

In This Chapter

Leveraging SharePoint’s social features

Making the most of My Sites

You can’t build a social network that ultimately delivers value just by installing SharePoint. Everyone needs to buy into the plan so everyone can leverage the full wealth of the organization. So, everyone needs to be willing to enter details about themselves and the projects they’re working on, which allows other people to discover this information and build linkages out of it.

The designers of SharePoint know that most human beings won’t generally go out of their way to keep personal and project information up to date. So, SharePoint provides tools that are geared towards automatically keeping certain information up to date and presenting the user with opportunities to update other pertinent information in a seamless and simple fashion. In this chapter, we look at the tools that can help you and your users easily discover who knows who, who knows what, and who’s doing what in your organization, creating a vibrant (and therefore worthwhile) social network.

Understanding People-centricity in SharePoint

People are a first-class object in SharePoint: They’re just as important as the documents and other collateral that might be living inside your SharePoint farms. And SharePoint takes a people-centric view when it interacts with your collateral and resources by always looking for linkages between the current situation and other people and resources.

So, when you ...

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