
Page numbers followed by f indicates a figure and t indicates a table.


Adware, 25t

Agobot, 10

AJAX. See Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

Application programming interfaces (APIs), 31

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX), 31, 32


Backdoors software, 26

Background checks, 123–125

Blogs, 107

Botnets, 7, 11f, 19–20

exploring, 9–13

operation of, 10–13

and puppetnet, 14–15


Cellular picture phone messaging, 107

Concealment malware, 25

Credit report

fraud alerts with, 94

monitoring, 95–96

Crimeware, 25t

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks, 35–36

mitigating, 39–40

overview of, 34–35

Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, 27, 28, 28f

mitigating, 38–39

non-persistent, 29–32

persistent, 30–32

CSRF attacks. See Cross-site request forgery attacks ...

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