There are a wide variety of organizational models that may work for your organization. In addition, the SOA governance organizational model will vary by SOA adoption phase. Some common organizational constructs are discussed in this section, but realize that you will have to create the structures and organization that makes sense for your organization.

7.8.1. Ad Hoc SOA Core Team

This is the initial SOA governance board in most organizations. The SOA core team is often an ad hoc team formed by virtue of a common shared interest in establishing SOA consistency across the organization. The ad hoc SOA core team is not chartered or empowered by an enterprise executive, and it is not headed by an executive representative. The ad hoc SOA core team often leads all aspects of the SOA initiative in the inception phase of SOA adoption.

As a governance entity, the ad hoc SOA core team is a limited governance organization. It can provide influence and initial direction for SOA governance efforts, primarily around initial technical standards and service design standards, but it has no authority in the enterprise.

7.8.2. Empowered SOA Core Team

An empowered SOA core team is an executive-sponsored team that has been given express authority and accountability for the initial decisions for an organization's SOA initiative under a formal charter.

An empowered SOA core team is typically small and led by a senior IT executive, e.g. chief ...

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