In Chapter 6, we introduced the concepts of a policy management model (PMM), a policy enforcement model (PEM), and a policy provisioning model (PPM).

The PMM is the complete body of policies necessary for SOA and SOA governance to meet the business and technical objectives of the SOA initiative(s). These policies, as we have discussed, can be compliance policies, business policies, process policies, security policies, technical policies that can span design time, quality assurance and testing, publishing and registration, discovery, consumption, and runtime operations.

This is not a complete listing of potential policies. In fact, as SOA governance blossoms as a more formalized and mature discipline, you will actually be enforcing a large number of fine-grained technical policies for service design, quality assurance and testing, publishing and registration of services, and runtime governance. The sheer volume of policies will demand automated enforcement across the services/software development lifecycle (SDLC) to ensure they are enforced consistently and reliably. In addition, once a service is in production, rapid enterprise scale enforcement of policies must be accomplished at high speeds for high-volume transactions. Security policies, which are mission critical to the enterprise, must always be enforced, and this quickly, within the overall response times guaranteed by the SLA specified in a service contract. Thus, the demand for automating ...

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