The following steps should help you analyze and understand your current enterprise/SOA/IT governance model and organizational model's impact on governance.

Current Organization Structure First, you must understand the way your organization is structured at the corporate level. Review organization charts and quickly determine the corporate structure and how it may impact IT and SOA governance models.

Current IT Organization Next, how is the IT organization structured? Is it a mirror image of the corporate structure or some variation? Is the IT organization centralized, distributed, or a federated structure, and what is the trend?

Are there divisional chief information officers (CIOs) or line of business CIOs? Is the enterprise architecture function aligned in a similar fashion? What are the IT-specific organizational constructs that have been implemented for your IT model? Are there technology-specific support teams?

7.4.1. Centralized to Decentralized IT Continuum

As you understand your organizational model, consider how centralized or distributed your IT organization is, and where it is headed. Exhibit 7.1 depicts an organizational continuum with two extremes: centralized and distributed.

This simple model shows an IT organizational continuum that ranges from completely centralized IT management model to a completely distributed line of business (LOB) IT management model. In the middle, there are two federated organizational views: strongly ...

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