List of Listings

Listing 4.1 High-level RoSAS description in SerendipLang. 70
Listing 4.2 A sample contract. 70
Listing 4.3 Task definitions of role case officer. 74
Listing 4.4 Task tTow of role TT. 76
Listing 4.5 Task tPayTT of role CO. 77
Listing 4.6 A sample behaviour description, bTowing. 81
Listing 4.7 A sample process definition, pdGold. 83
Listing 4.8 A sample process definition, pdPlat. 83
Listing 4.9 Behaviour-level constraints. 86
Listing 4.10 Process-level constraints. 87
Listing 4.11 A specialised behaviour unit overriding a property of a task. 90
Listing 4.12 A specialised behaviour unit introducing a new task. 91
Listing 4.13 An abstract behaviour unit. 92
Listing 4.14 Task definition specifies the source and resulting ...

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