
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.

Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah, Abdullah bin, 234

AboutFace, 162

Abu Dhabi, 67, 68, 234, 235


     of physicians for care delivery, 105–112

     for service excellence, 167–168

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 122

Alamo Rent-A-Car, 230

American Association for Communication in Healthcare (AACH), 189

American Hospital Association, 229–230

American Medical Group Association, 229–230

Andrella, Sue, 172–173

Anecdotal information, 130–131, 134–135, 172–174, 197–198, 219–220

Anger-hostility curve, 162

Apologies, ...

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