The ProcessQueue function - input string, and logged output

    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;    using TextEvaluation;    using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;    using Moq;    using System.Collections.Generic;    using System.Diagnostics;    using System.Linq;    namespace TextEvaluation_Tests    {    [TestClass()]    public class ProcessQueue_Tests    {    [TestMethod()]    public void ProcessQueueRun_InputString_LoggedInput()    {      ////////////////////////////////////////////      // Arrange      ////////////////////////////////////////////      var emailBody = "Test Service Bus message";      var expectedLogMessage = $"{{'messageContent': {emailBody}}}";      var logMessages = new List<string>();           // set up the log mock      var log = new Mock<TraceWriter>(TraceLevel.Error); log.Setup(l => ...

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