Full Function Code

For the sake of readability, the following code does not check for any errors or edge cases. In a production system, you should add exception and edge case handling in case of unexpected input and so on.

The following is the full AverageResults function code:

        using System;        using System.Linq;        using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;        using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;        using Microsoft.Azure.ApiHub;        using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;        using System.Xml;        namespace TextEvaluation        {         public static class AverageResults         {           [FunctionName("AverageResults")]           public static async Task Run(           [TimerTrigger("0 * * * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer,           [ApiHubTable(connection: "azureSQL", TableName =            "DocumentTextScore")]ITable<TextScore> scoresTable, [ApiHubTable(connection: ...

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