Finding the Buzz

Thousands of sites around the world discuss SEO. The first place to look for SEO-related information is the big search engines. They are the search service providers, and they are to be trusted the most when it comes to any development.

SEO-Related Sites Provided by Search Engines

Search engines also make statements about SEO. Google is the most vocal and provides the most information. Read what the big search engines are saying on their sites:

Blog Sites

There are many SEO blog sites. One of the most popular is run by Google search quality engineer Matt Cutts. Here is a list of the most popular SEO blogs on the Internet:

Matt Cutts

Matt’s blog site is not just about SEO. Matt shares his thoughts on many other things, including food, personal information, and Google’s Chrome web browser. Nonetheless, the site does contain more than 400 posts related to SEO—enough to keep you reading for a few days!

Search Engine Land

This blog provides news and information about SEM, SEO, and how search engines work.


This is one of the most popular SEO sites, providing online (free and paid) training and information.

Graywolf’s SEO Blog

This is an informative, thought-provoking SEO blog.

SEO by the Sea

This blog provides marketing and SEO information and services.


Boasting more than 60,000 members, this blog provides free and paid SEO information and services.

Search Engine Watch

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