Milter smfi_version()

Fetch the runtime library version V8.14 and later

There are two versions associated with every Milter’s code. One is the compile-time version as hardcoded into the SMFI_VERSION macro. The other is the runtime version that can be fetched using this smfi_version() routine. The smfi_version() routine can be called from your main() routine, like this:

ret = smfi_version(pmajor, pminor, plevel);

Here, the three variables pmajor, pminor, and plevel are pointers to unsigned int types. The variables pointed to will, as a result of the call, be filled out with the corresponding values:

  • pmajor will contain the major version number for the Milter library.

  • pminor will contain the minor version number for the Milter library.

  • plevel will contain the current patch level for the Milter library.

The value returned from the call to smfi_version() is always MI_SUCCESS.

These three values are the values returned by the runtime library. If you wish to compare them to the version values that existed when you built your Milter, you may use the corresponding Build-time macros:

  • SM_LM_VRS_MAJOR(SMFI_VERSION) returns the major version number for the Milter library.

  • SM_LM_VRS_MINOR(SMFI_VERSION) returns the minor version number for the Milter library.

  • SM_LM_VRS_PLVL(SMFI_VERSION) returns the current patch level for the Milter library.

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