Milter smfi_setdbg()

Turn on/off library tracing V8.13 and later

You can trace selected actions by the Milter library routines from inside the Milter library. You turn tracing on and off with this smfi_setdbg() routine. It takes a single argument, which is a tracing level to use:

(void) smfi_setdbg(level);

The smfi_setdbg() routine sets an internal, global variable that causes selected events to be logged or printed. The default is zero, which turns off tracing. The maximum is six,[450] which prints the most tracing. To see what is traced and how to interpret that tracing output, search for "dbg" in the libmilter/*.c source files. Note that the smfi_setdbg() routine always returns MI_SUCCESS, no matter what,[451] so you may safely ignore its returned value.

[450] Levels higher than six are interpreted the same as six.

[451] Don’t count on this behavior, because smfi_setdbg() may return informative errors in a future release.

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