
Strip quotation marks All versions

Some delivery agents don’t correctly understand quotation marks in addresses. For example:


For delivery agents that do not correctly understand them, the F=s delivery agent flag causes sendmail to strip all quotation marks from the address before handing it to the delivery agent:


The local delivery agent should always have the F=s delivery agent flag specified. The prog delivery agent commonly has the F=s delivery agent flag specified. The uucp delivery agent might or might not require that delivery agent flag, depending on the specifics of the program specified in the P= delivery agent equate. The [IPC] delivery agents should never specify the F=s delivery agent flag.

The F=s flag also causes all leading backslash characters to be stripped from the user part of the address.

"\\\user"@relayhost    becomes    user@relayhost

Note that when a lighter touch is needed, you may use F=B flag (F=B on page 768), which just removes all leading backslashes. For example:

"\\\user"@relayhost    with F=B becomes   "user"@relayhost

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