At sites with one central mail server (see MAIL_HUB, MAIL_HUB mc Macro on page 605), it can be advantageous for mail to appear as though it is from the hub. This simplifies mail administration in that all users have the same machine address no matter which workstations they use. You can cause a workstation to masquerade as the server (or as another host) by using the MASQUERADE_AS mc macro:


This causes outgoing mail to be labeled as coming from the server (rather than from the value in $j, $j on page 830). The new address appears in the sender headers (such as From:) but specifically does not appear in the Received: (Received: on page 1162) and Message-ID: (Message-ID: on page 1159) headers.

Some users (such as root) should never be masqueraded because one always needs to know their machine of origin. Such users are declared by using the EXPOSED_USER mc macro. Note that prior to V8.10 sendmail, root was always exposed.

If you wish to have recipient addresses also masqueraded, cautiously use the allmasquerade feature (FEATURE(allmasquerade) on page 615).

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