Handle Qf Files

Beginning with V8.13, the -qL command-line switch allows you to view and handle Qf files. Note, however, that handling these files, without first repairing the causative problem, can be risky. One use for this new switch is to examine the mail queue to see if any lost files exist:

% mailq -qL
                /var/spool/mqueue (1 request)
-----Q-ID----- --Size-- -----Q-Time----- ------------Sender/Recipient-----------
h7AJG4kr009003?     235 Sun Aug 10 13:16 <you@your.domain>
                Total requests: 1

Here, the -qL command-line switch was used with the mailq command to see if any lost files were present. This output shows that a lost file (called Qfh7AJG4kr009003) is located in the /var/spool/mqueue directory. The "?" character following the file’s name indicates that it is a lost envelope.

This -qL switch can be combined with other queue-handling switches to further limit what can be shown.

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