Chapter 58. The art and importance of reformulation

Before making a proposal, the Sales Ambassador reformulates the information he has learned during the discovery. He may decide to use the keywords spoken by the customer or paraphrase what he has picked up.

Reformulation is a great tool to use for many reasons. It indicates to the customer that you have listened and understood. It creates a context for rapid agreement and shows the customer that his opinion counts. It also saves time and makes the proposal easier:

  • "So if I understand, you are looking for an evening handbag for your wife as a surprise for her 35th birthday."

In reformulation, you may want to refocus, verify what matters most to the customer, and prioritize the different aspects that influence his choice:

  • "So what matters most for your wife is the originality and elegance of the handbag."

Reformulation shows you have listened.

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