Chapter 47. A greeting needs a smile

"Never open a shop if you don't know how to smile," the Middle East expression goes. We extend this idea to anyone working in sales: "Forget about selling if you cannot smile."

A smile is more than just the visual effort from the face to push up the corners of the mouth. It needs at least a couple of drops of sincerity to work. Adding a simple expression to it such as "Welcome" delivered warmly makes it complete.

A smile is the sign of an optimist, and optimism is contagious. In other words, when you feel good and smile, you pass this effect on to others. As human beings, we want to spend time with people who make us feel good and in places where we feel welcomed and comfortable.

Smiling is also universal. It crosses all borders and cultures. Sales Associates sometimes mention that they know little or nothing about the cultures of people from foreign countries or of different ethnicities who come into their stores. But they already have a powerful tool they can use that creates a contact and a positive beginning: a smile. It works with the person across the street or across the world.

A smile puts the customer at ease, and it does not cost a thing!


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