Chapter 36. Make someone's day

Sales Ambassadors depend on each other for having a successful day. But what about their managers? How can the team help make the manager's day? What responsibilities can Sales Ambassadors take on to lighten the workload of a manager? There is much to be learned by having tasks delegated from the manager. Taking on tasks frees the manager to deal with other priorities. This can only add to the success of the boutique.

What about other departments working directly with the Sales Team in the company? How can you make their day be as pleasurable as possible? What about your telephone contacts with other company members and suppliers?

Build a reputation of being someone ready and willing to help. Optimists and positive people not only live longer, they have happier lives. They are also people others like being around. Remember also that today someone needs your help, and tomorrow you may have a special request or need for which they would be willing to go out of their way.

Go ahead. Make their day.

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