Chapter 32. The competition, your customers, and your advantages

People shop around. We love to compare. The shopping experience would not exist if there were no alternatives.

A Sales Ambassador knows this. Regardless of what he is selling, he is aware of what could tempt his potential customer elsewhere. He does not simply study a photograph in a magazine or read a product review. He goes and finds out, firsthand, until he knows what the competition is doing.

In other words, he goes shopping.

If he is selling cars, he goes and drives the models of his competitors and studies their performance ratings. If it is a fashion brand, the Sales Ambassador knows not only the colors the jacket comes in, but the details such as pockets and zippers as well. She has tried on the shoes and the coats and touched the materials they are made of. If it is high tech, he knows the characteristics of the competitor's models by heart.

In each case, the Sales Ambassador develops one thing: knowledge that helps him present the advantages of each offer. Knowledge reassures and helps the customer decide.

Fine-tune your added value in relation to the competitor's offer.

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