Chapter 25. Use each contact to inform and educate

People are usually open and even eager to learn new things when the opportunity is presented in an appropriate way. Sales Ambassadors have the opportunity to educate with each customer contact, and the learning experience, whether there is a purchase or not, is very much appreciated.

People are often fascinated by knowledge. Here are a few examples:

  • Diamonds are a miracle of Nature and were formed 50 million years ago.

  • It takes 10 years of experience to be a professional jewelry polisher.

  • The champagne the couple is interested in has been creating sparkling wines for 250 years.

  • Wearing a wedding band on your fourth finger has to do with a vein in that finger that goes directly to the heart.

  • A wristwatch dates back to less than a century ago.

  • This watch was selected to be worn on the first visit to the moon.

Sales Ambassadors are aware of the power of learning during a sale and find ways to educate with each contact they make.

Sharing knowledge creates bonds between you and your customers.

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