Chapter 13. Turn every contact into an experience

Here is a goal for each Sales Ambassador: "Make every contact a pleasurable experience, whether it is someone who is purchasing or not." In other words, all people who leave the boutique and later think about their visit will remember being impressed by the way they were treated, regardless of whether they were a customer or a visitor.

The Sales Ambassadors know that for this to work, they need to personalize and make each contact unique and exceptional. A variety of appropriate approaches should be tailored to the situation, sometimes with humor, other times being informative, yet another helpful, or offering an unexpected but very appreciated service that was needed at that moment. Each person goes away positively surprised by what happened.

These little gestures of kindness matter. Sales Ambassadors often mention that they receive a lot of energy back when they practice giving, and that, because they are having fun at the same time, the time passes more quickly.

Making each contact's day might just make your day!

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