Simple HTTP servers

In this example, an HTTP server demonstrates how simple it is to create a listening server with the standard library. There is no routing or multiplexing yet. In this case, a specific directory is served through the server. http.FileServer() has directory listing built in, so if you make an HTTP request to /, then it will list the files available in the directory being served:

package mainimport (   "fmt"   "log"   "net/http"   "os")func printUsage() {   fmt.Println(os.Args[0] + ` - Serve a directory via HTTPURL should include protocol IP or hostname and port separated by colon.Usage:  ` + os.Args[0] + ` <listenUrl> <directory>Example:  ` + os.Args[0] + ` localhost:8080 .  ` + os.Args[0] + ` /home/nanodano`)}func checkArgs() ...

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