Creating a server

Here is an example server. The tcp argument for net.Listen() can be changed to udp if you want to change protocol:

package mainimport (   "net"   "fmt"   "log")var protocol = "tcp" // tcp or udpvar listenAddress = "localhost:3000"func main() {   listener, err := net.Listen(protocol, listenAddress)   if err != nil {      log.Fatal("Error creating listener. ", err)   }   log.Printf("Now listening for connections.")   for {      conn, err := listener.Accept()      if err != nil {         log.Println("Error accepting connection. ", err)      }      go handleConnection(conn)   }}func handleConnection(conn net.Conn) {   incomingMessageBuffer := make([]byte, 4096)   numBytesRead, err := conn.Read(incomingMessageBuffer)   if err != nil {      log.Print("Error reading from client. ", err)

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