Creating a certificate signing request

If you don't want to create a self-signed certificate, you have to create a certificate signing request and have it signed by a trusted certificate authority. You create a certificate request by calling x509.CreateCertificateRequest() and passing it an x509.CertificateRequest object with the private key.

The equivalent operation using OpenSSL is as follows:

# Create CSR 
openssl req -new -key priv.pem -out csr.pem 
# View details to verify request was created properly 
openssl req -verify -in csr.pem -text -noout 

This example demonstrates how to create a certificate signing request:

package mainimport (   "crypto/rand"   "crypto/rsa"   "crypto/x509"   "crypto/x509/pkix"   "encoding/pem"   "fmt"   "io/ioutil"   "log"

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