
Ad hoc networks formed by randomly deployed self-organizing wireless nodes have a wide range of applications, such as tactical communications, disaster relief operations and temporary networking in sparsely populated areas, and therefore they have been studied extensively for two decades. More recently, sensor networks have attracted interest from the research community and industry. They are more energy constrained and scalable ad hoc networks. Another form of ad hoc network, namely mesh networks, is aimed at application areas such as infrastructureless network scenarios for developing regions, low-cost multihop wireless backhaul connections and community wireless networks. Characteristics such as wireless access, mobility, rapid and random deployment make these kinds of network a very challenging field for security. Security is also a key issue in making many ad hoc application scenarios practical. Although security for these networks has been studied extensively for more than a decade, there are still many challenges waiting for better solutions. Therefore, many researchers and engineers from both academia and industry continue working on this topic.

The book is designed for a 14–18 week (three hours a week) graduate course in computer engineering, communications engineering, electrical engineering or computer science. Prerequisite knowledge on computer networking is required. The book is self-contained with regard to wireless ad hoc networking issues and introduces ...

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