About CACR

The Indiana University Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research (CACR) is distinctive in addressing cybersecurity from a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, hands-on perspective. The Center draws on Indiana University’s (IU) scholarly expertise in computer science, informatics, accounting and information systems, criminal justice, law, regulatory compliance, organizational behavior, and public policy. Founded by now-IU President Michael McRobbie in 2003, CACR’s recent work includes research awards from DHS, DOE, NSF, and collaborations with NSWC Crane Division, the Indiana National Guard, the City of Chicago, and Indiana’s legal community. CACR leads the National Science Foundation’s Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. Under CACR’s coordination, NSA and DHS designated IU a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Research and Information Assurance/Cybersecurity Education. CACR is part of Indiana University’s Pervasive Technology Institute.

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