Chapter 9. Thinking Like a Hacker

Most developers spend their time in a world where it’s important to consider how things should work (i.e., they focus on how things will work when the code is correct). The whole idea of thinking about things as they shouldn’t work (i.e., trying to determine ways things could break when the code is errant) is somewhat alien. Yes, developers deal with bugs all the time, but the line of thought is different. When you think like a hacker, you might actually use code that is perfectly acceptable as written—it may not have a bug, but it may have a security hole.

This chapter contains a process that helps you view code as a hacker would. You use tools to look for potential security holes, create a test system to use while attempting to break the code, and rely on common breaches to make your life a little easier. Hackers love the bring your own device (BYOD) phenomenon because now you have all these unsecured systems floating about using operating systems that IT may not have much experience working with. Of course, there is always the ultimate application tester: the user. Users can find more ways to break applications than any developer would even want to think about, but user testing can be valuable in finding those assumptions you made that really weren’t valid.

In fact, it’s the need to think along these lines that drives many organizations to hire a security expert to think about all of the devious ways in which hackers will break perfectly functional ...

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