
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures; “t” tables; “b” boxes.

Absenteeism, employee, 180
Access control, 53–56, 120–124
automated, 122–124
entry control personnel and, 124f
confidentiality and, 143–145
considerations, 121
employee identification and, 121
entry point limitations, 121
individual verification and, 122–124
automated access control and, 122–124, 124f
entry control personnel, 122, 124f
Accountability, 9–10
Action plan, 97
Active shooter scenarios, 202–203
Actors, 227
Additional exterior entry, 54
Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 181–182
Agreement activities, 200
Airlines, 51
Airports, 51
Alarm systems, 27, 124–128
false alarms, 29
fire, 127
law enforcement and, 29
local, 127
monitoring, 127–128 ...

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