
Over the past years, my students and I have been looking for a reference book that can provide comprehensive knowledge on security and privacy issues in cyber-physical systems (CPSs). Our fruitless search did not make us feel disappointed as we understand that the subject areas are full of unique challenges stemming from various application domains such as healthcare, smart grids, and smart homes, making nonexistent the “one-size-fits-all” type of solutions, and that the integration of “cyber” and “physical” worlds opens the doors for insidious and smart attackers to manipulate extraordinarily, leading to new cyber-attacks and defense technologies other than those originated from the traditional computer and network systems.

Thanks to this book edited by three distinguished scholars in cybersecurity and privacy, we finally get access to first-hand and state-of-the-art knowledge in security and privacy of CPSs. Dr. Houbing Song brings his multidisciplinary background spanning communications and networking, signal processing and control. He has worked on authentication, physical layer security, and differential privacy, and their applications in transportation, healthcare, and emergency response. Dr. Glenn A. Fink is a cybersecurity researcher who specializes in bioinspired security and privacy technologies. He has worked for the US government on a variety of military and national security projects. Dr. Sabina Jeschke is an expert in Internet of Things (IoT) and AI-driven ...

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