

$ (dollar sign), 59

* (star), 63

{ } (curly brackets), 59, 63

+ (plus sgn), 63, 64


a-zA-Z, regular expressions, 59

Access Control List (ACL), securing Web root, 179

Actors diagram

designing security with, 260, 262

identifying points of failure in, 272

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner testing interface, 247–254

Administrative Tools folder, 102–103, 108–109

Administrative Tools Services MMC, 177–178

Administrative users

changing username/password on

MySQL, 163–164

granting privileges to, 100–101, 115

viewing and deleting user accounts/comments, 14

workflow diagrams for, 260–262, 272

Advanced button, Windows properties, 80–82

AES encryption, 124


automated testing, 235

intrusion detection system, 73

keeping up with security, ...

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