
Our editor at Addison-Wesley, Jessica Goldstein, has done more than just help us navigate the publishing process; a conversation with her at RSA 2005 got this project started. The rest of the crew at Addison-Wesley has been a great help (and very patient), too: Kristin Weinberger, Chris Zahn, Romny French, and Karen Gettman among others.

Portions of Chapters 1, 2, and 3 have their roots in technical papers and journal articles we’ve written in the last few years. We are grateful to our coauthors on those projects: Gary McGraw, Yekaterina Tsipenyuk O’Neil, Pravir Chandra, and John Steven.

Our reviewers suffered through some really rough rough drafts and always came back with constructive feedback. Many thanks to Gary McGraw, David ...

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