12.4. Performing Bit and Byte Obfuscation


Small values such as bytes, shorts, and integers are difficult to disguise while undergoing mathematical transformations. This makes the values or ranges of constants, indexes, and counters easy to determine in compiled binary code.


The Obcode library by Pawel Krawczyk (http://echelon.pl/pubs/ ) provides an API for obfuscating bit and byte values, even during the manipulation of those values. The size of the variables are inflated eightfold, so that a byte variable takes 8 bytes and an integer variable takes 32 bytes. The library provides for byte operations such as XOR, AND, OR, and NOT, and operations for integers including ADD, XOR, copy, and swap.

The Obcode library is still under development and thus is lacking in features; however, even in its current state it provides an excellent means of obfuscating small values in memory. Obfuscated values can be stored within data files or within the program itself, provided that the same seed or key is passed to obcode_init( ) for both the reading and the writing of the value.


In the Obcode data types, each bit is represented by a byte. If the value of the byte is even, the value of the encoded bit is 1; otherwise, the value of the bit is 0. An Obcode byte is encoded as a series of 8 Obcode bits; likewise, an Obcode int is encoded as a series of 32 Obcode bits. Operations on Obcode values do not decode the values, but rather work on the encoded versions; therefore, the ...

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