8.21. Ensuring Forward Secrecy in a Public Key System


In a system using public key cryptography, you want to ensure that a compromise of one of the entities in your system won’t compromise old communications that took place with different session keys (symmetric keys).


When using RSA, generate new public keys for each key agreement, ensuring that the new key belongs to the right entity by checking the digital signature using a long-term public key. Alternatively, use Diffie-Hellman, being sure to generate new random numbers each time. Throw away all of the temporary material once key exchange is complete.



When discarding key material, be sure to zero it from memory, and use a secure deletion technique if the key may have been swapped to disk (See Recipe 13.2).

Suppose that you have a client and a server that communicate frequently, and they establish connections using a set of fixed RSA keys. Suppose that an attacker has been recording all data between the client and the server since the beginning of time. All of the key exchange messages and data encrypted with symmetric keys have been captured.

Now, suppose that the attacker eventually manages to break into the client and the server, stealing all the private keys in the system. Certainly, future communications are insecure, but what about communications before the break-in? In this scenario, the attacker would be able to decrypt all of the data ever sent by either party because all of the old messages ...

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