

abilities. see attitudes and abilities

acceptance criteria, 5657

acceptance testing, 95

adaptation, 5, 163

adjustments, 59

affinity mapping, 125126

agile framework

measuring, 153154

pitfalls of Scrum, 511

testers and, 88

why Scrum?, 2

Agile Manifesto

abuse of, 7

attitude over aptitude, 21

principles for dealing with defects, 85

Alternative Scrum Release Burndown Chart, 102

analysis paralysis, 106107

antipatterns, 711

aptitude vs. attitude, 2125

attitudes and abilities

assembling Scrum team, 2531

attitude over aptitude, 2125

ScrumMaster abilities, 1721

wrap up, 3132

authority, 1718, 165

automation, 9198


backwards compatibility, 57

balanced matrix organizations, 146147


calibrating relative estimates, 76

recycling, ...

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