Changing the Default New Document Type

When you add a new document to a folder by selecting the folder — or a file in it — and pressing Return, or by clicking the Add button in the toolbar (covered Chapter 2), Scrivener adds a new file based on the default document type for that folder. For a standard folder in your manuscript, it’s a text document. For the Characters folder (in the Novel project template), it’s a document based on the Character Sketch template. And for the Places folder, it’s a document based on the Setting Sketch template.

But what if you have a folder that you want to quickly and easily populate with forms from a template you’ve created? You can change the default document type for a folder by following these steps:

1. Select the folder for which you want to designate a new default subdocument type.

2. Choose DocumentsDefault New Subdocument Type.

3. Select the desired template from the submenu that appears.

To change the default new subdocument to a text document, rather than a document based on a template, choose Text.

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